Daily Archives: September 25, 2012

Let me tell you how I really feel….

The truth is, I don’t know. 

ImageAs my time is winding down in Cali I realize I’ve got these weird hodgepodge of emotions. I’m happy & a lil bit drove at the same time! I’ve been looking forward to this trip since July. The three of us had this weekend planned about a month ago. NONE of those plans happened and that was completely out of our control. As soon as I got here I realized I was happy our original plans were quashed (for reasons). Alas, everything happens for a reason. Image

Still I’d definitely been looking forward to what I thought was going to be an epic vacation with my two partners in crime. “BABY WHEN I TELL YOU” I was SO wrong. This trip was everything but a vacation. I promise I’m not complaining about this weekend. I’m just saying when you have 3 jobs on top of being an independent artist, any days off have the potential to be epic vacations!

But uhm no. It wasn’t until Friday night after I’d already been here for 24 hours that I realized not only had I been working the entire time, but that the rest of the weekend would only get more hectic. So. I pulled up my big kid britches & did the only thing that made sense: took a fifth of Hennessey to the head. …………………..kidding.

Seriously though. I had three performances in front of me, equipment to pick up for the band and for MOMMs business; one of MOMMs’ events, people to see (most importantly my sexy Granni), & errands to run. In two days. Oh & I was still sick from the plane ride. Niiiiiice! 

Sunday after our 3rd performance we made good on our HUBRIS pact from earlier in the summer. That left me very proud of myself. Bettis & BMT constantly influence me to reach heights personally & professionally I’d be unlikely to reach without them. & Now I’m feeling just a bit more invincible after this particular adventure. ;O) Image

The weekend was filled with highs & lows. Our first performance was terrible by our standards. Had it not been for our chemistry as a band that performance would’ve been a tragedy. Lawd! 0_0 Second performance was a mix, and most definitely better. We had more time & leeway to do us. That helped, plus a likely long-term sponsorship spawned from this situation. Third & final performance, on Sunday, left me content but unsatisfied. It’s a gut feeling. No regrets about any of them! No regrets about this weekend either really! I’m just saying I’m still in need of a vacation!! o_O

Kuz right now I’m sitting here staring at my belongings that need to be repacked which are a very real reminder of the very real world I now have to get back to on tomorrow. >_> But with the Fall leg of The HUBRIS Tour underway, it has officially started the countdown for the next MAJOR milestone in my life. And the thought of that chills me OWT & brings a smile to my face!



As always major thank you to DJ E.F. Cuttin & Team Cuttin, Elan of Eulalia, & Blood Centers of the Pacific for making this weekend possible. Touring isn’t free and it’s sponsorships like these that make our dreams of spreading our message through our passions possible and very real. So we are exponentially grateful!

HUBRIS: Having the audacious ideology & Unremitting Belief in the Revolutionary power of Inspiration to Stimulate change.“HUBRIS. Because it takes a little bit of arrogance to embark on a journey that requires a lifestyle of putting others first. And believing we have the power to make a difference in their lives. ….We do this. They talk. We walk. We prove this. Every single day we live our lives outside of the box in hopes of transforming the world we live in.”